Thursday, March 10, 2011

Death threats? Do you believe that? Never mind, just give 'em The Hook.

Spotted a story after Walker and his boys pulled their little frat prank on Wisconsin today; it says that now the Republicans are reporting getting "death threats."

Oh, and did that light up the rantosphere!! "Union thugocracy," "Obamites issue death threats," blah blah blah. Google "Death Threats Wisconsin" today, and you'll get at least 500 hits of right-wing news stories, punditry, posts and blogs by gleefully crowing righties and assorted fonkies sitting at home with nothing better to do than watch Fox News, drink beer, and post hate speech saying essentially, "See? We were right about these union thugs! They want to destroy our Gawd-given standard of living and our flat screen TV-lovin' lives. They're probably Muslim terrorists, too. And that Hussein Obama is behind it all."

First of all, these Republicans in Wisconsin lie, as they demonstrated when they claimed they were in "discussions" with Democrats while they plotted their closed-door trickery. So I wouldn't be surprised if they're either making this up, or (more likely knowing their high school bully tactics) found some poor mentally ill person and had one of their James O'Keefe types play-act righteous indignation to egg him (or her) on until they got something that sounded like a "death threat." Oh, must be those "Union thugs" again. You know. foreign agitators... like the ones that caused all the trouble in Libya and Egypt. According to the dictators, anyway.

But whatever the credibility of these reports (or lack of it), this story raises the larger question of how to frame the conversation about recalling those Republican state legislators who voted for this.

My advice: Be very careful to talk peacefully. No talk of "targeting" those officials or their districts. No bulls-eyes. No wartime metaphors or battle language.

Instead, let's treat this as the vaudeville show it is.

Give 'em "The Hook."

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