Friday, March 11, 2011

Head Start revealed as hotbed of socialist indoctrination: Conservative activist

March 11, 2011 (New York): In the midst of a debate on continued federal funding of the Head Start program, conservative activist muckraker James O'Keefe has released an undercover video shot at a Head Start program in New York, in which teachers are heard allegedly teaching children "radical leftist thinking" and, in the words of former Rep. Newt Gingrich, "Running a socialist boot camp for preschoolers."

Gingrich added, "I can't see how the American people would sit still if they knew that their tax dollars were going to train kids in Un-American ways of thinking and acting. This is just another example of the nanny state run amok."

Added Speaker John Boehner, "You know what this is about... This is how they plan to get their voter base for 2028 - by starting when the kids are too young to know when they're being radicalized against the American Way."

In the video, a preschool teacher can be heard talking about how Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted all people treated as equals, leading the children in singing "This Land is Your Land," and talking about "Community helpers" like the mailman and the policeman.

"Have you read those verses to that song?!" demanded Gingrich. "They sang ALL the verses! It's all about disparaging free enterprise and private property, and leading kids to believe in redistribution of wealth." Added Boehner, "The mailman and the policeman - you can see where THAT's going, can't you? They're grooming their future public union base, and taking money from the rest of us to do it, when this country is BROKE!"

In response, President Obama has accepted the resignation of the national director of the Head Start program. A vote on defunding the program completely is expected in the House this week.

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